
"People actually pay you for this?"
Well, no! is my answer. My motivation for these photos is not pay, or monetary reward, nor is it for the "acclaim", nor is it to say anything about my place or position.
My motivation is to share, what I see, the world I encounter. Nor are these photos my art. So put your worried soul to rest, you needn't puzzle yourself any longer on this issue.

Your oh so kind words do speak volumes about motivation and value though. I think those ideas are a nice contrast to what I am trying to do here.
You see, I photograph things that are probably overlooked or considered of little value in the culture in which we exist. These are things that just happen to catch my eye and give my soul a spark of joy or a moment of thought. I use minimal manipulation because then the photos would be about something different, more about me and less about what I am seeing, experiencing.
None of these photos are staged, these are things that just happen to catch my eye.
There are days when my soul feels depleted, and on those days I sometimes have to set out to learn to "see" again. I am sure by your kind comments of the past, you will have something to say about that. I am also sure that in your kindness your words will be empowering to us both, that is your intent, is it not?
And just to clarify
my motivation is more than me
my motivation is more than you